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Plymouth U3A

Plymouth U3A  is essentially a social organisation with over 70 different interest groups that offer every opportunity to Learn, Laugh, Live. 


Now that you have the time, be free to learn about the things that previously you never had time for, be it a subject, a hobby, or exploring a new activity.


Sharing a common interest with others often results in making some great friends along the way, so sharing enjoyment and laughter is inevitable.


By exploring and sharing our interests in a social environment, it means we stay mentally active and seek to make the most of life.

It is important to note that the U3A is an organisation that is run by members for members and does not offer or provide any service other than to support its members with information on all the various subjects of interest. All members, including the executive committee and group leaders, give their time and effort on a voluntary basis.

  • We are a voluntary organisation that provides a platform for members to share knowledge or learn about subjects that they may have never had time to do in their working lives.
  • We do not require or provide any formal expertise or qualifications from or for our members.
  • contributions from new members are welcomed, such as joining our volunteer group, who each offer their time and effort towards the running of this organisation, as well as interacting with other members;
  • Our interest groups are run by the members for the members, affording the opportunity for like-minded members to share their interests or take the time to explore new subjects.
  • Should new members be unable to join a group subject of their choice, they are encouraged to start their own interest group, which other members can attend and share, with a wealth of support available from subject advisors around the country that can be sought via the national website.

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Price: Please contact us for information about our costs
Based: Plymouth
  • 17 to 25 years old
  • 26 to 64 years old
  • Everyone, over 65

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