Mannamead Wellbeing Hub
Mannamead Wellbeing Hub supports a wide range of people across the city, offering services to carers, people with learning disabilities or with sensory impairments and veterans.
Contacts details
Services available at the Mannamead Wellbeing Hub
- Active for All is a a service that supports and promotes physical activity in adults with mental health problems and/or learning disabilities
- Better Futures is a support service for adults 18 and older with a learning disability
- Caring for Carers is a support service for over 18's who look after a partner, family member or friend with an illness or disability
- Long-term Condition Self-Management helps people living with any long-term physical or low-level mental health condition better manage their condition and achieve a better quality of life
- Sensory solutions is a service that provides information, advice and equipment for people of all ages with concerns about sight or hearing
How to make a referral
Pop in and speak to any member of the team.
Alternatively, complete our simple referral form, and we'll get in touch. Once we know what help, information, and advice you need, we will connect you with the right people who can support you.
Make a referral and request support
Alternatively, you can request support through the Improving Lives website, where you have the option of referring yourself, or you can make a professional referral for someone that you are supporting.
About Improving Lives Plymouth
As a long-established organisation working within the city of Plymouth and the surrounding area, we have an excellent track record of delivering services and developing new ones to meet the needs of individuals and community and voluntary organisations.
Improving Lives Plymouth runs information, advice, and support services for people with disabilities and long-term health conditions. We also help prospective volunteers find interesting and rewarding volunteering opportunities and support organisations to provide good-quality volunteering programmes.
Improving Lives Plymouth currently has 50 paid staff and over 100 volunteers across our services.
What are Wellbeing Hubs?
Plymouth's Wellbeing Hubs have four main aims:
- Ensure fair access to health and wellbeing support
- Improve communities experience of health and care systems
- Support healthier lives through community-based services
- Strengthen community connections
All Wellbeing Hubs offer:
- Social and physical activities
- Befriending
- Opportunities to volunteer
- Welfare, benefits and cost of living advice
- Mental health support
- Signposting and referral service
Targeted services available in the hubs:
- Family and parenting provision
- Disability support
- Healthy eating and Food Access initiatives
- Social prescribing
- Veteran support
- Long-term health conditions support
- Carer's support

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Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
- Everyone, regardless of age
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