About the Plymouth Local Offer
Plymouth's Local Offer contains information about services and support for children and young people from birth to 25 years old who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND), and for their families and carers.
Our Local Offer has been developed working with children and young people, parents and carers, schools, health services and voluntary organisations.
We want all children and young people to have a good start in life. Some children and young people have special educational needs and these differing needs mean varying levels of support are required at different times. We aim to provide a range of support so that children and young people with special educational needs can be educated and enjoy social opportunities alongside their peers, in their local community.
Not sure what SEND means? It's an acronym for Special Educational Needs and Disability.
Definition of Special Education Needs or Disabilities (SEND)
Children with special educational needs have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age.
Special educational needs fall under four broad areas:
- communication and interaction
- cognition and learning
- social, emotional and mental health
- sensory and/or physical
Children with special educational needs may need extra help with:
- thinking and understanding
- physical or sensory difficulties
- emotional or social difficulties
- difficulties with speech and language
- how they relate to and behave with other people
Schools and other settings can help most children quickly and easily, but very few children will need extra help for some or all of their time in school. This will be decided after a statutory assessment of the child's educational needs has been made.
What we must do
We have to tell you:
- what services are available across education, health and social care
- who the services are for
- how to access the services
You can find the legal requirements about who is required to do what in:
- sections 27, 28, 30, 32, 41, 49 and 51 to 57 of the Children and Families Act 2014
- section 4 of the SEND Code of Practice 2015
- the Care Act 2014
- the Mental Capacity Act 2005
- the Equality Act 2010
For more information about SEND, please have a look at the following pages on the GOV.UK website:
Universal, targeted and specialist are terms applied to services available for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
We maintain a Register of Disabled Children who live in Plymouth in accordance with duty set out in the Children Act 1989. Although registration is not mandatory, parents are encouraged to include their child's names on the register in order to assist the Local Authority and partner agencies to plan future services and target resources more effectively.
This short film aims to give children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities information about the Local Offer. It also covers how children and young people and their families can get involved in their local area to give their views and opinions on what services should be offered.

What is SEND?
Children with special educational needs have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age.
View page (Go to What is SEND?)
SEND decision making in Plymouth
In Plymouth, we have a SEND Strategic Board who meet six times a year to oversee the progress of the improvement work in the City regarding children and young people with SEND.
View page (Go to SEND decision making in Plymouth)
Improving SEND services in Plymouth
A priority action plan is being produced to address concerns raised in a recent Local Area Inspection undertaken jointly by the Care Quality Commission and Ofsted in June 2023.
View page (Go to Improving SEND services in Plymouth)
SEND Teams in Plymouth
SEND Teams that help support Plymouth's Local Offer for children and young people between 0 and 25 years old.
View page (Go to SEND Teams in Plymouth)
Plymouth Local Offer feedback and review
We want to make sure we are doing a good job of supporting children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities, their families, and professionals.
View page (Go to Plymouth Local Offer feedback and review)
SEND complaints and mediation
It's important to understand your rights to mediation services and appeals. This guide outlines the dispute resolution process in Plymouth.
View page (Go to SEND complaints and mediation )Local Offer Panel About Footer
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Help to find the right information
Plymouth's Local Offer is organised into four main categories covering the following age ranges:
- Early years (0 to 5 years old)
- Primary (5 to 11 years old)
- Secondary (11 to 18 years old)
- Preparing for adulthood
Search and view all organisations listed within the Local Offer