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St Paul's Preschool

St Paul's Preschool is a small friendly and caring preschool, located in the parish hall of Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church. We welcome children from the age of 2 until they are ready for school.

Contacts details

Address:St Pauls Catholic Primary School
Barne Lane
Telephone number: 01752 517473

We are, by location, linked to St. Paul's Catholic Primary but are independently managed. We do, however, have close links with the school and liaise with the headmistress and the early year's staff. We are not a Roman Catholic preschool; all children are welcome.

We have a "key person" system at the preschool where a member of staff is allocated to each child; they are then responsible for the developmental record-keeping for that child.

St. Paul's Preschool has been a well-established preschool for the past 50 years. It has gained a good reputation throughout the local community, and parents have travelled from outside the catchment area to attend the preschool. The preschool has always been well attended and is currently open for children from 8.30 am until  3 pm Monday through Friday. The preschool is open during term time only.

We acknowledge that all children are unique and have the right to develop to their greatest potential. All children are accepted, respected, included, listened to, and encouraged in a safe and caring learning environment. We acknowledge that all children develop through active learning and play by making choices, exploring their environment, and interacting with others.

As part of our philosophy to support and nurture the children both developmentally and personally, staff wish to be called by their first names, thus allowing the children to form stronger partnerships with them.

We provide a safe, stimulating, and caring environment that promotes learning through play, using a wide range of resources, and the opportunity for children to develop their social skills as they play alongside and with other children.



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Price: Please contact us for information about our costs
Based: Plymouth
Childcare Type:
  • Day nursery, pre-school or out-of-school care
Age ranges:
  • Nursery - under 5 (can vary by location)
Childcare funding:
  • Three / four year old funded
  • Two year old funded
Wheelchair access information: Yes
Dietary needs information: Yes

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