Health and wellbeing - Young Carers

Help for young carers
If you're a young carer, friends and relatives are often the first people to turn to for help with problems. Talking things through with them can be really helpful.
If you find it hard to talk to others, try to write your thoughts in a diary, poem or letter first. This can help to make sense of your thoughts and how you feel, before getting help. Find out more about the help for Young Carers on the NHS website.
Caring safely at home
These video-based resources are designed to help people look after someone safely at home. They can help you care for people in any situation.
Each section has a set of videos designed to give you and the person you care for practical and relevant information to support you.
Watch the caring safely at home videos
Mental health
Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. We have expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing.
Find out more about mental health support
My Mental Health - Video and Toolkit
My Mental Health is a Carers Trust project that provided young carers, young adult carers and the staff who support them with the knowledge, confidence and opportunities to understand their mental health needs and campaign to bring about positive change.
Throughout the project, 281 young carers were involved in local and national campaigning activity. We brought together some of the young carers and young adult carers to discuss their achievements and what involvement meant to them. Using their testimony, we worked together to co-produce this video to show the importance of giving young and young adult carers a voice to campaign on issues that matter to them.
Explore the Breaking the Silence on Mental Health toolkit
- Top tips for your own super smile (PDF, 166 KB) (from Peninsula Dental)
- Caring for someone else's mouth if they have their own teeth (PDF, 208 KB) (from Peninsula Dental)
- Caring for someone else's mouth if they have their own teeth (PDF, 208 KB) (from Peninsula Dental)
- Inter-Professional Engagement Module 2022 - 2023 (PDF, 2 MB) (from Peninsula Dental)
- Mouth Care Matters Resources (from NHS Health Education England)
- Mini Mouth Care Matters Resources (from NHS Health Education England)
Primary Care Network (PCN) Plymouth Carer Identification and Support Project
The project's main aim is to support GP practices (as part of their Primary Care Network) in Plymouth to improve their identification and recognition of carers, with a focus on carer coding (including the new carer contingency code), enabling population health management approaches such as increased vaccination uptake for carers. The impact of the project will be the following improvements:
- Increased recognition and awareness of carers in GP practices, as part of the increased overall awareness of GP quality markers
- Support GPs to use the correct coding of carers using the NHS England Coding Unpaid Carers: SNOMED CT
- An increase in the number of carers registered and consistency of codes in general practice will help measure success
For more information, please view the PCN Plymouth Carer Identification and Support Project page on the NHS Futures Platforms website.
Find your nearest NHS service
Further information
- Young carers offer in GP surgeries
- How can you help a young carer in just 5 minutes?
- The Quality Markers framework
- NHS Long Term Plan
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