Plymouth Borderline Personality Support Group

The Plymouth Borderline Personality Support Group is a service-user led group which provides a safe space for sharing experiences of living with a personality disorder.

Personality disorders have been described by some as a lack of self-direction and empathy or intimacy, self-destructive or impulsive, which is often noticed in adolescence. These traits are stable over time and across different situations and they are not caused by a medical condition or substance abuse.

However, those with personality disorders often have other mental health or behaviour problems.

These could include:

  • Anxiety
  • Bi polar
  • Depression
  • An eating disorder
  • Drug or alcohol misuse

What to expect

A small group of people with borderline personality disorder or suspected BPD meet once a week for 2 hours. The session starts first and foremost with teas and coffees before taking seats in a circle.

Then group members are given the opportunity to share positive and negative aspects that they experienced that week. 

Next an agreed topic will be discussed by Amy and experiences and advice will be shared amongst the group.


Based: Plymouth
  • 17 to 25 years old
  • 26 to 64 years old
  • Everyone, over 65
  • Mental health

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