Citizens Advice Plymouth
Citizens Advice Plymouth (CAB) service helps people to resolve their problems. We can help with any issue, from anyone, spanning debt and employment to consumer and housing plus everything in between.
Contacts details
Buckwell Street
We provide free, independent, confidential, and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. We value diversity, promote equality, and challenge discrimination.
Quick links to Citizens Advice information resources
Benefit calculator
Our benefits calculator will help you find out what benefits you can claim. The calculator is free to use, and the details you provide are anonymous.
Start using the benefits calculator
For more information about Citizens Advice Plymouth and how we can help you, please view our website and contact us.
You can also contact us via the Advice Line; please call 0808 278 7910
Our face-to-face drop-in service is provided by Improving Lives Plymouth and is based in Ernest English House.
Legal Advice Centre
Our team can help assess whether clients are eligible for a free one-off appointment with a volunteer solicitor for the following matters:
- Family law
- Divorce and separation
- Child arrangements
- Financial orders
- Domestic abuse
- Parental responsibility
- Non-molestation orders
- Occupation orders
- Navigating family court processes generally
- Employment Law
- Discrimination
- Unpaid Wages
- Problems with Dismissal
- Making a Grievance at Work
- Asserting your legal rights at work
This is not an exhaustive list, but we cannot help with inheritance, wills, probate, powers of attorney, trusts, court of protection matters, criminal matters, personal injury, medical negligence, small claims court, litigation generally, and conveyance/property-related matters.
We can check your entitlement to legal aid, or you can do so before contacting us by visiting the GOV.UK website.
For more information about our Legal Advice Centre, please email or visit our website.
Chat with us face-to-face
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- Contracted and Approved Supplier
- Everyone, regardless of age
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