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Support for young people

Support For Young People Panel

Local suppliers for equipment and assistive aids

Living independently at home often requires the use of assistive equipment. This page contains links to local suppliers that can provide various equipment and assistive aids to help improve your daily life.

Looking after yourself

Caring for someone can be physically and emotionally exhausting and it is important to look after yourself. At times, you will need a break.

Make a complaint about adult social care

If you have any comments about adult social care or suggestions about how the council can make things better we want to hear from you.

Make a complaint about children's social care

If you have any comments about children's social care or suggestions about how the council can make things better we want to hear from you.

Managing your medicines

Taking your medications as prescribed is crucial for maintaining good health, particularly for older adults living independently. However, managing multiple medications can be challenging, leading to missed doses, confusion, and frustration.

Managing your money

If you want to be independent, it's important to know how to manage your money. This means being able to save money for things you need, like education or a place to live. It also means making smart choices about how you spend your money, and not wasting it on things you don't really need.

Mannamead Wellbeing Hub

The Mannamead Wellbeing Hub is located in Mannamead and operated by Improving Lives Plymouth.

Map of all CQC registered care and residential homes in Plymouth

View a map of all CQC registered care and residential homes in Plymouth and their contact details.


A good night's sleep is essential for maintaining physical and mental well-being. However, for older adults, an uncomfortable or unsuitable mattress can significantly impact sleep quality. This can lead to back pain, aches, difficulty getting in and out of bed, and even disrupted sleep patterns.


Mediation is a way of sorting any differences between you and someone else, with the help of a third person who won't take sides. The third person is called a mediator.

Mental health

If you need mental health support and are struggling with the cost of living, we have created a list of organisations that might be able to help you.

Miscellaneous children, families, schools information and support

Includes information and support for young people and support groups for parents. We're in the process of updating the information within this section.

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